Didn’t get my period during placebo week?

Hi, I’m sorry if this seems like a repetitive post or if someone has already asked this but I don’t have anyone to get advice from. I’m a college student and can’t afford to be pregnant right now.

Anyways, I had sex with my boyfriend (he’s my first boyfriend) around December 14th or 15th somewhere around this time. He may have not pulled out in time and gotten a little bit of cum inside of me. We rely on the pullout method + me being on the pill. I have been on Junel Fe 1/20 for over a year and have never not gotten my period/withdrawal bleed during my off week. So this month, I did not get a withdrawal bleed and started my new pack today. Should I be worried about pregnancy? I didn’t miss any pills during my pack, but I may have take one like 2 hours late or something. Please let me know your thoughts... I am raised in a very religious household and my mom doesn’t even know I’m on birth control so I can’t ask her about it.. I really appreciate any advice. Thanks! ❤️