Early menopause at 32?


To start off , I got my period very very young . I believe I was in 3rd or 4 th grade . It was probably the most damaging experience I ever had in my life and I can never forget the feeling of being so alone .

I had a lot of support from my parents who comforted me to the best of their ability and was able to hide a lot of it in grade school.

One of my Worst memories was when we went in a field trip in 5th grade and it was an overnight trip through school .

I had my period very bad and had to hide my pads and there was no where I could .

It was awful. It was just something i ended up hiding very well but was super traumatic. I had to live like this every month until other girls and friends started getting theirs .

I am 32 now and been trying to get pregnant for about 6 months .

Perhaps I am over thinking but I read that women who get their periods at a young age can potentially go through menopause as early as their thirties.

It has been on my mind and I did reach out to my ob office and have an apt for blood work and office visit in February .they asked if I have had any obvious symptoms.

The only hong I’ve noticed since stopping the pill over a year a go is my period cramps are getting worse almost every cycle and heavier , I’m much more irritable , don’t sleep well .

Has anyone every heard of this happening or even had a similar experience??

I’m really worried about it And accept it if I am going through it now in my life
