This new girl needs some help..

I am new to these groups, I have to google half the acronyms I come across here. But I just wanted to tell a little bit of my story and see if you ladies have any advice.

Me and my SO started talking about TTC about 8 months ago but I had a Mirena IUD and no health insurance so it was going to cost around $200 to get it taken out and we just couldn’t afford that. I switched jobs so that I could get benefits. I was finally able to have my Mirena removed on Oct. 30. My SO really wants to have a child, he’s 40 and we fear that if we keep waiting that his little guys won’t be strong and healthy enough. Also we don’t want to wait too long because the older he gets, the less time he will have on earth with our child(ren). I know, it’s not like he’s OLD, but I want to be able to give him a happy life with a wife and child(ren) like he has always wanted. He deserves it. I got a little off topic, I apologize.

There’s no question, we both want to get pregnant. Soon. I’ve only been through 2 cycles since my IUD was removed and I’ve been using the <a href="">Glow app</a> since the day it was taken out. I’ve been told by so many people, including my lady dr, that we should have sex at least every other day in my “fertile window”. There’s only one problem with that, he is 13 years older than me, he has a hard time keeping up with me as it is lol unfortunately he can’t handle it every other day. He physically can’t do it even though he wants to. every other day is out of the question. He can probably handle it 2, mayyybe 3 times during my fertile window.

With all that being said, when would be the best times to try with the highest chance of conception?

Also, is there any way to increase my chances after sex? I’ve read that laying on your back with your hips raised for a little while after can increase the odds because it keeps more semen in there for longer. Is there any truth to this?

And to anyone who actually took the time to read my ridiculously long post, thank you!

And thanks in advance for any help, support, and advice.

Baby dust to all!