This is definitely a sign!


My husband and I have been ttc for quite some time now with no luck. Its really been hard on my since my BIL and SIL had their baby last August. I always wondered why we couldn’t accidentally get pregnant? I would rather have a surprise baby than no baby at all...

I was diagnosed with pcos three years ago, and after not getting pregnant after a few months my dr decided to do a few months of bloodwork, sonograms and testing. At the end of November she told me my progesterone levels aren’t high enough to get pregnant on my own. She put me on Femara this month and I’m hoping it works.🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

A few days ago I saw this picture while scrolling through Pinterest. At first I didn’t notice but when I did I was convinced it was a sign! The dates are the same as my husband and I! How crazy is that?! Maybe it’s not that crazy, but I really believe 2019 will be the year we have out beautiful, healthy baby!
