My baby joined the December birth bandwagon


I had induction scheduled for 1/7 for GD. We went to a family Christmas party and while there I started having pretty nice contractions. This was 48 hours after getting my membranes swept.

Jump forward- we decide to stop at home to let our dogs out and grab some stuff before calling the midwife line. The nurse that talk to me was surprised I hadn’t left already with contractions moderate and at 45 secs to 1 min long. She was all “get going and congrats lol”.

Get to L & D - I had dilated from a 3 to 4 so they had me walk around the hospital for a hour and half to see if I could bump it up. Got to a 5 so I was admitted and started on antibiotics for GBS.

Well my contractions started to peeter out in frequency but not strength after a few hours so at 6 am the midwife offered to break my water since I was term and my induction was only a week away.

Having your water broke is weird and gross. It was a literal flood that kept on giving. Eventually I gave up caring about the random splashes that would happen when I stood up, laid down, walking to the bathroom.

At this point I didn’t need Pitosin (sp) because the contractions had no problem coming back with a vengeance.

Previously I had planned not to do much medications. I couldn’t do it. The nitrous Oxide did nothing for me, the Fentanyl only worked once and after 5 hours of back labor - I begged for an epidural.

It was surreal - until my water broke most of

my contractions had been back but also front period cramps. Once active labor started it was all back labor. This was the most intense pain I have ever experience. Once I hit 7 cm I was on my side in the bed- death grip on the rail and completely unaware of anything but the pain. I was breathing like a train and when the contractions stopped I kind of drifted away in my mind. My husband - who was tears from my pain- and the nurses would talk to me and it was like clouds floating by. Did not compute.

After 5 hours of this, I got the epidural. It helped with the pain so much but left the intensity. And she even added some extra so the intensity went down too. I was still able to doze between the contractions and have minor conversations.

Then a hour later I start getting these intense urges to push. I fought but by the end of the hour I was demanding the midwife because I knew I was not going to be able to hold back any longer. By then one leg wasn’t that numb anymore - which suuuuucccked because baby was on that one’s nerve so every time I had to push I would get this searing pain in that hip downwards.

Pushing lasted about one hour and a half before baby was born. Because he came out with a fist up against his cheek- I had two first degree tears that needed stitching. The pushing was the worse pain I have ever experienced.

18 hours total from getting admitted. They said for a first time mom that was a very quick labor and delivery.

Such an emotionally and physically consuming journey. That ended with Ronan Alexander born 7lbs 1 oz at 18.5 inches long. He looks like his dad and I feel like my life is complete.

Birthing things:

1. As soon as they broke my water I was uncontrollable shaking the entire time. It was even worse after he was born and we were doing skin to skin. My husband was super concerned and kept asking everyone if I was okay.

2. If you poop during the push- you will ab-sol-lutely not give a fuck.

3. Also, at some point your modestly disappears as well because you are leaking, bleeding, and miserable.

4. Labor breaks you down almost in a spiritual way. I have had several extremely painful bone breaks and surgeries over the years but pushing a baby out and having back labor broke me down. There were several times I would collapse after a series of pushes and almost sob that I can’t do this anymore. Just to rise up and do it some more.

Anyway, I’m currently in the recovery room, listening to both my boys sleep and am so exhausted myself ( not to mention my vagina feels like a donkey kicked it) but I wanted to share my story.

Thank you and good luck ladies!