Period after miss carry


Hello ladies I’m jus curious approximately how long did it take for your period to return after your miscarriage???.....I miscarried at the end of November(5w5days) and I’ve yet to haveAF visit ..we originally thought the bleeding was implantation so when I stopped bleeding we start having sex again(a lot) but unfortunately at our ultrasound we found out we had miscarried ...ik I could possibly end up pregnant again and ik every woman’s body is different but i was jus wondering 🤷🏽‍♀️

Update-Thanks for all the feedback you ladies are awesome Happy 2019🥳

Fortunately I didn’t need D&C when I miscarried it was as if i had my period and it lasted about 5-7days the wwek b4 Thanksgiving...Sooooo Im hoping either this week or next week miss AF will pop back up ...i think i had some ovulation cramps around the time I originally posted a few days fingers crossed either way