Ovulation kit questions


So I stopped birth control about 2 months ago - the first month off my husband and I tried to conceive according to glow prediction no ovulation kit help- then this time around we figured up our odds and got a ovulation kit- and so i got it a little late it says to start testing day after your period well I didn’t have the kit yet just started testing like a couple days ago (FYI predicted ovulation through glow is this Friday). SO I took one fri and sat and it was a faint line for LH then this am I forgot to do t when I woke up and first peed, so then a little while later I tested (second urine of the day) and it didn’t show up a LH line at al....???? And so is it possible that either I missed the window and I caught the last couple days of it when I used the ovulation kit strips, or is it possible it was a fluke and it will be back tomorrow?? I’m just hoping I didn’t accidentally miss the window - cause according to glow the medium fertile period just started - help?! Lol