Is this a BFP??????!!! 🍀🤞🏻


So this is my 4th month trying, I ovulated a week earlier than the <a href="">Glow app</a> suggested (luckily I started testing opks soon after my period, and this is how I found out I ovulated earlier)

I’ve had a lot of strange symptoms the past week and half! (Since I ovulated) which were:

Vivid dreams, constipation, bloating, headaches, a lot of creamy white CM, slight cramping and twinges in my sides, had backache from 6/7DPO, heartburn and indigestion, feeling a bit off and sick.

I thought it was due to my period coming or just simply overeating during Christmas. Trying not to get my hopes up, of course!

I waited until today (11DPO approximately) to test and used a first response, 6 days earlier test with first morning urine. This came up within the 5/10 minute time frame and is still pink and strong enough to see.

I’m going to test in two days to see if it gets darker! Looks like 2018 had one last present for me!!!! I thought I was out for this year entirely! 🥳

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