HELP!! 6 days late and negative test!!

My husband and I have been TTC since July. In August we found out we were pregnant. In October we found out I had an ectopic pregnancy at 9 weeks that had partially ruptured. They were able to save the tube and there was minimal damage.

I have had 2 normal periods since the ectopic surgery:

1: Oct 31 - Nov 4

2: Nov 28 - Dec 2

My 3rd period should have started Christmas day. (Which it has not)

On Dec 21st I started getting cramps. Sometimes dull aches in the ovary/tubes area and other time just like period cramps. My period is usually 26-29 days. It has never in my entire life been more than 1 day late (which would be 29 days).

Currently I have taken multiple pregnancy tests and all of them have been negative (most recent one from this morning pictured below)

Everyone says your period can be affected by stress. I am not stressed at work as I'm caught up and it's been fairly slow. My family life with my parents, siblings, in-laws, and husband have all be great. There has been no family drama at all during this cycle. So I honestly believe this is not due to stress.

Does anyone have any idea what's going on? Or does anyone have any personal stories that are similar to mine and they ended up pregnant?