

My 10 week old has been a crappy napper for the past few weeks. Hes so hit or miss with how he will go down and how long he will sleep. The only thing I know for sure is that he can tolerate about 1hr and 20mins of wake time. Give or take a little bit. Sometimes I can swaddle him and put him in the swing and he will take a great nap. Other times that doesnt work and I'll bounce him around until he falls asleep but no matter what I do he will only stay asleep for 10 or 15 mins. Sometimes I can get a little bit more time if I wear him. He is such a good night sleeper so I cant really complain but he gets so fussy. He really needs his naps. I've tried putting him down swaddled in his bassinet and he always wakes up within 20mins of me doing that and I've tried leaving him to fuss for a minute to see if he will go back to sleep. I've went in and shushed and soothed but that just makes him mad. Idk what to do. Any tips? He really hates his swaddle so that's part of the issue. Sometimes he passes out just laying flat on his back on the couch but he wont stay asleep that way because he startles and then starts rubbing his eyes/nose/face and wakes himself up. I've tried swaddling him after he falls asleep but he just ends up waking up and that's that. Babies are hard.