Scared, Really Embarrassed & Needing Advice (Please No Judgement)

Üphør¡a💋 • 🎗️ Endometriosis Warrior🎗️ 💙PCOS💙 Losing Faith daily that I'll ever be a Mommy.🤰🏼😢🤷🏼‍♀️

Hi, I know I shouldn't feel embarrassed or ashamed and I'm probably freaking myself out over nothing but I really need advice. I like to think I'm well educated in protecting myself when it comes to sex (and of course, accidents happen) but I'm starting to freak myself out.

Yesterday afternoon, I woke up from a nap and I felt a bump on my labia - which had not been there THAT MORNING. It looks and kind of feels like a pimple without a head, It doesn't hurt or anything but it is on my inner labia. There isn't any strange discharge or odor coming from my vagina, either. Literally this bump just appeared within a few hours.

I know all about STDs and their symptoms (and how some don't have any symptoms at all) and because we all have smart phones in this day and age, Google Images can be our best friend and worst enemy. I'm not a doctor so I can't say exactly for sure what it is and isn't but it does NOT look like genital warts or herpes.

I DO need to see a doctor extremely soon because it's been about almost two years since my last annual exam (I moved away from my original doctor and haven't had a chance to find a new due to working two jobs and taking the bus everywhere).

I'm a monogamous person but went through a very bad break-up earlier this year (according to him, we were never together) so I've had a couple of sexual partners this year - a total of 3, including my "Not Ex".

I'm just extremely embarrassed and because of my anxiety disorder, I'm trying not to scare myself to the point I'm freaking the fuck out.

I will admit that I am prone to ingrown hairs but I've never had one on my inner labia before. I'm an extremely clean person and I bathe daily, sometimes even twice a day (I take hot hour-long showers). My period just ended a day before, so I assumed maybe my pad just rubbed against my labia weird? I don't know.🤷😢

Does anyone have any advice on what it could be or what I should do other than go to a doctor? Obviously that's the top of the list of things to do, but any other help is extremely appreciated. I'm just really scared.

Please don't judge me or call me names or anything, I already feel gross and disgusting and all these other negative qualities about myself over this. I just need advice.