Trying to understand FF

Sandra • 💑 Baby G due Feb 14❤️

So I’m super excited because this is my first official month charting BBT and I feel I can clearly point my ovulation. It’s a tiny feel of control over something we frustratingly have no control over. Anyways, I’m happy because I’m 31 and overweight. I was on birth control for 13 years and after getting off it took over a year for my cycles to really regulate. And I always had the question in the back of my mind, what if I’m no ovulating? What if my age and weight or being on birth control has affected my fertility? I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.. so being able to see with my 2 eyes that all signs point to ovulation this month is a huge relief to me.

All that said, my question is the bottom of FF. There is a line that says Stats with 3 red boxes and then more red boxes with the numbers 5432 in them. Can someone explain this to me? Thanks for the advice and support ladies! Baby dust to all!