Complex cyst on right ovary...HELP!

👑Victoria👑 • 11.8.11👫7.23.13 🌈Praying for our Rainbow🌈

I was able to look at all my test results from my hospital visit on Saturday. My hCG levels have dropped from 24 to 16 in less than 24 hours. I went in because I was having cramps on the LEFT side. Ectopic pregnancy has not been ruled out, but I was told based on the levels, I was going to miscarry. I have not had cramps since. Everything has been fine.

My results from the sono showed the complex cyst on my RIGHT ovary. According to Google,it is completely normal in early pregnancy and means pregnancy has taken place. Does that mean that is the side the baby has implanted on? Due to the holidays, I can't be seen until Thursday,so I come to you with my questions.

I know I shouldn't get my hopes up,but I can't help but have faith. I'm posting the results as well. Can someone please help me make sense of this?

As always, please pray for this baby. Send positive vibes. Whatever your beliefs, please lift my baby up in them. Please.

*Side Note* I'm only about 4 weeks