How did you know?

I’m 22 years old, been married for 3 years and haven’t really sat down and thoroughly thought about being pregnant and having a baby. I have never fully let myself feel those emotions of what it would or could be like. I don’t know if it’s because my biological mother was absent after the age of 4 or what. I think I’m scared to be a mom because I’ve never had one. Idk. What if I’m not a good mom. How did you know when it was the right time to start TTC?

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I just felt it. For the longest time we were totally not ready. Then all of them sudden it was like BAM! Don’t worry, it will come. And even if you decide you don’t want kids, that’s okay too!


Jamie • Dec 31, 2018
Same for me! And now everyone doesn’t believe me when I tell them I am because they never thought we’d get pregnant LOl


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I totally understand! Last year I got married and didn’t want to think about having kids (my husband has been ready for years!!). My mom has been there but I seem to be the red headed step child. So I understand where your concerns are with how you will turn out to be a mother. But I woke up one day in spring and just felt like I was ready. All my friends told me I would just know when I was ready and they were right. Hit me like a freight train! But don’t worry I’m sure you’ll be a great mom, you know all the things not to do!


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I got married at 22 and after 4 years of marriage I looked at my husband and just had this feeling it was time. I am now 11 weeks and excited to have our baby. The biggest thing for me to realize is no one is ever perfectly ready but you’ll know when it is the right time. I never wanted kids and never thought we would have them. Enjoy being married and having time together. I wouldn’t give up our first four years or change them at all.