Stressed and little movement



So my husband took me to the hospital again and the midwife said the midwife before at 23 weeks was wrong and that I should worry and come in as much as I want. She went to do checks and we could tell straight away something was wrong. After being prodded and poked, scanned and examined for 6 hours they transfer me to the women and children’s hospital and told me to prepare for the worst. In which I went more tests, scanning etc..I have only ever been pregnant twice. The first one I lost at 23 weeks and was told what the baby had was so rare only 1% chance of the baby getting this. This time I’m sitting here at 25 weeks facing the same fate but with something completely different also with a less than 1% chance of this new issue both unrelated. It’s just heartbreaking and stressful. I tried to do everything right and once again I am left heartbroken. If something feels off see someone and if your not happy with their advise see someone else. I’ve been told the first midwife should have picked it up and even if she did it wouldn’t have changed the outcome we just would be dealing with it earlier - so please go with your gut

Hi all. All I keep seeing is posts how active there little one is and strong kicks with videos showing kicks. And all I get told is an active baby is a healthy baby. I’m 25 weeks tomorrow and I felt small kicks at 22 weeks but nothing since. All my placenta etc... is all normal. At 23 weeks went to check as I was nervous but they could see him fine and said heart beat was normal. I’m getting stressed as I can’t feel him and nor can my husband. I’m not overweight or have any issues (I do pregnancy Pilates 3 times a week as well). I’ve tried the cold water but nothing. This is making me so stressed now I’m lucky if I sleep 3 hours a night and it’s making me loose my appetite. I really want to enjoy this pregnancy and have my husband enjoy it too but it’s getting so stressful I’m not sure what to do. I get even more stressed as people keep asking me if he is kicking and I can’t keep calling the hospital because I feel like I’m wasting their time. Is anyone else experiencing this at all and any tips?