The good news is the cheaper ones are just like the ones that are used to the doctor's office. Those getting dark lines is a good sign.
Rachel • Dec 31, 2018
The “yes” first response and the one with the line were last night before bed. And I took a dollar store one this morning and it had a good time. But I have seen no progression in the wondofos at all.
Posted at
Wondfos do not progress well in my experience! I got an early bfp with mine but kept using them to see test progression! I became concerned when they were still faint at 4 wks but tested with another brand and it was blaring positive! Mine finally was a dark positive at 6 wks!
Well, count your blessings you get your bfp! Best of luck
Rachel • Jan 1, 2019
They are getting darker on frers just not wondofos. There’s still a like on the wondofo just never have gotten dark. But i just tested at 7pm at night with one. Maybe that’s why. I feel pregnancy symptoms and I have no cramps or bleeding. I’m just worried cause I’m a mom lol
Noradun • Dec 31, 2018
I understand being worried? With my MC in October that’s how it was for me! I was seeing positives but lines didn’t progress well! I will see that urine is more concentrated first thing in the AM so if you are super early on your tests in the AM could be positive but negative in the evening! But by 4 wks with my healthy pregnancies I could test any time of day! I hope yours end in a happy story.