How to two parents pregnant

I’m 21 years old and I have a 2 year old. I’m still legally married to my ex husband but we’ve been separated over a year and we will be divorced this week. I’ve been with my SO for almost a year now and am currently 8 weeks pregnant... I just don’t know how to tell my parents.. I don’t wanna disappoint them.. every time I’d mention something about wanting another baby they’d say “I hope not” or wait til you’re married etc. well I keep cysts all over my ovaries and my doc was talking about surgery taking my ovaries out or having a surgery that may damage them. Well ya and my so are engaged and are very serious and we wanted another baby so we tried and nailed it! I just don’t know how to tell them... my first pregnancy I didn’t get to tell them cause my mom read my messages on my phone and found out and I was only with my bf a month and got pregnant... I’ve been with my SO a year now so maybe it’ll be a little diff? Idk I’m just soooo scared