Stroller struggle

I'm struggling to find the perfect stroller. I'm due with baby #2 March 20th, 2016 by then my first will be 2 years old. I'm trying to find a tandem stroller to fit both the upcoming newborn and my toddler. I want one that's going to last and be comfortable for my toddler. I also live in the boonies were it's mostly gravel and rough terrain so I need something that isn't going to be hard to push. It also snows quite heavy in the winter and sticks around until late April. I've been searching like crazy but I can't seem to find anything to strikes my fancy. We have a Graco Trekko for my toddler now and love it because of its big wheels and ability to get through anything. Please help, lol. I know March seems so far away but I'm a worry wart and need to have an idea of what to get.