Telling the parents..

Kirstie • TTC Baby #1 💛👶🏻✨ with DP of 7 years ❤️ Wedding in 2024 🥂

So me and OH are TTC - I’m 26 and my OH is 29. My parents know we’re trying for a baby and are completely okay with it - the in laws however are a different story! Me and my OH are not married, not even engaged but we have been together over 4 years and just recently purchased a house together so it’s not like we’re not serious. We will eventually be married but we just want children first.

I’ve never felt accepted by my OHs family and always felt like the outcast as they are very old fashioned and set in their ways and I’m..... not. I’m very outgoing, I have tattoos and I take risks as we only live once.

My OHs sister has just got married and I overheard a discussion regarding her having children and I heard her dad say he wouldn’t be happy if she was to have a child now. Bearing in mind, her and her husband own their own house AND are married, he still wouldn’t be happy?

So my question is, when I eventually become pregnant, how would we tell them? I really wanted to do it in a creative way but I just feel it would be a wasted effort? Any ideas?

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Honestly, if you aren’t going to rely on them for childcare, it’s none of their business what you two do as responsible adults. Just let your partner deal with it when the time comes.Also, sadly, if they have decided to not like you, getting married probably won’t change their minds. Some people are just difficult.I have a question and I mean no hate our judgement about it at all. I see this frequently in glow but it doesn’t happen at all where I’m from. No one plans to ttc before they are married or engaged. Plenty of accidental pregnancies happen, but never purposeful ttc. So, my question is, if you two are committing to bringing another person in to this world, why would you not want to commit to each other first? Again, I do not mean to offend, I’m just generally curious of other cultures in different parts of the world. Do not feel pressured to answer this if it is too personal of a question. I wish you two a happy and healthy pregnancy and best of luck with your partner’s family!


LuckyLlama🍀🦙 • Jan 2, 2019
That makes sense! Y’all are smart to spend money on a home instead of a big wedding. Hopefully your in-laws will come around soon, if not, don’t let them sabotage your happiness!


Kirstie • Jan 2, 2019
My OH thinks his parents will be fine but I just don’t think they will! It’s fine asking that question and I wanted to get married before children but my OH doesn’t want to be an old dad. Also weddings aren’t cheap and as we have only just moved into our new home, we want the best home possible, so we’d rather put our money there. And also my OH said, there is a limited time you can have a baby but can get married at any point in life :) I know it’s a strange way to do things but we just feel it’s the right way for us :)


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Have your man deal with his family the way he thinks it's ok ☺We had similar problems with my mans parents some time ago, it escalated like crazy before it got better.