White dress is ONLY for virgins?

Kimberly • Mommy to a little princess ❤️

Probably wrong group wasn’t sure where to post sorry!!

Okay so let me start off saying that I am Mexican. In Mexican families you’re only supposed to get married in white if you are a virgin.

Im not a virgin obviously I have a daughter my fiancé had proposed to me in 2016 but we just didn’t have the finances to plan a wedding, fast forward oct 2017 I end up pregnant didn’t know till 12/06/17. We had a trip planned for 12/10-12/16 to go to Vegas we wanted to elope over there & have a wedding party here with friends and family, but we didn’t have what the chapel 💒 needed for our marriage to be valid. Fast forward to now our daughter is almost 6 months old and we have the finances to have a small wedding and invite just close family and friends. We were telling our parents about what kind of wedding I wanted but they immediately shut us down and said I can’t get married in a white dress because I’m no longer a virgin and it would be ridiculous, and scandalous?

I feel sad because I see people in their beautiful long white dresses with their kids, already grown. My mom didn’t really care but she was agreeing with my mother-in-law, which upset me.