What should I do?


So me and this guy have been dating for a month on jan 3 and at first I really really liked him he’s everything I’ve ever wanted but idk something’s off I should still be in the puppy love stage but I’m not and idk if it’s because I’m depressed or if it’s because I’m pretty sure I still have huge feelings for my ex idk if I should wait this out or if I should break his heart and leave I can’t tell he really likes me, also a few things that’s off about him he thinks we’re gonna get married and have a life together now remind you we’ve only been together for a month he also can be a bit rude like in these messages

I usually don’t talk to people when I go into a depressive state because I tend to lash out on them and say really hurtful things and I’ve tried explaining that to him... I just don’t know what to do and I can’t talk to my therapist about this till the 6th