I need advice.

Alright I need some advice. My husband wants to help out more with our daughter. She is about to be a month old.

The current problem is that he says he will take the night shift every once in a while because I do it every day. This is a sweet thought, however he wakes me up at 3 in the morning and says he can't do it. Which is fine I'll take care of our girl. Well he tried last night to do the night feedings again and he made it most of the night. I woke up because our daughter was crying at about 5 o'clock. He got up and went to the restroom came back and got back in bed. I said you probably shouldn't get comfortable she needs a diaper change. He said he wasn't but then just laid in bed with her crying.

Side note. Even on his nights I get up when she eats for about 20 minutes because I have to pump. I still log her feedings and changings when he does it over night.

I asked if he was going to get up and he said I think she's going back to sleep. I laid there and tried to let him do it his way, but I couldn't. I got up and she was wet and dirty. She was also hungry. This is very upsetting to me. I feel like he was putting himself going back to sleep over her needs.

My husband is very loving and any other time he is extremely attentive to her needs. I am not trying to make him sound like he is doing anything wrong. I just don't know what to do because in moments like the one I described I'll say something to him about it and he gets very angry with me. Like I'm being over bearing. Maybe I am but knowing she needs something I can't just sit there when it's not being done.