Dr said I wasn’t pregnant?

Hey so I took a HPT on 12/28 and it was positive . Took another one 12/30 to make sure, still positive...

Went into my Drs yesterday, did a urine test there and it was negative? Went to the store bought two different kinds of HPT and they both came out positive.

Has anyone else had that before?

I go in tomorrow morning for a blood test to make sure.

ALSO, it says I’m about 5w4d , and I’ve been experiencing cramping. No spotting there. But the cramps suck so bad and it’s been stressing me out. 🙈

AND ....

So I went into my Drs on 12/11 and was put on an antibiotic because my WBC was high, they did a pregnancy test at that point, it was negative. I had finished the antibiotics on 12/18. I did another HPT on 12/23, still negative.

SO my question is ... could taking that antibiotic affect my pregnancy? If I am pregnant 🤞.

I was just wondering if there’s other women that have gone through this and their pregnancy/baby were/are ok 💓.