Possible to still be pregnant or still out?


This will be TMI but now I’m generally wondering now! I assumed I ovulated around 12/14(opks and app so around there) according to glow AF was supposed to arrive 12/26 but according to many other apps I was supposed to start 12/28 well I ended up bleeding 12/29- no af like cramps but I assumed af it lasted 2 days 2nd day was lighter ( af is normally 3) last night I couldn’t get wet and in my ENTIRE life that’s never happened not even close! Then today I’m nauseous and threw up once for sure. When I press on my boobs it’s sore(never happens) I took a test 12/24 and 12/25 with negative results. Is there a chance it could be pregnancy or nope no way? I’ve already come to terms with us trying again this month but I still feel off. I don’t want to take another test unless there could be a chance. If I’m still like this in a week I’ll test but I’m curious what others think... thanks ladies