Question about Clearblue Rapid Detection


So I peed on a stick this morning. First pee of the day. My cycle is irregular and I usually get my period around 26 days. Last month it was 24 days. This tracker predicts this month's aunt flow will start at 25 days. Not sure what to believe. So I'm either due Friday (25 days) or obviously Saturday through Monday (Monday would be a full 28 day cycle).

I woke up this morning really wanting to test. According to the package, if I test today there is either an 88% (if my period is actually due on Friday) or a 56% if Saturday, or no chance because aunt flow isn't coming until Sunday or Monday....

Anywho. I peed on the stick. I waited at least 3 mins to check. It came out negative I think. BUT there is the FAINTEST vertical line in the window. I don't know if my eyes are playing tricks on me. I showed my husband and he can see it too (he wants a baby badly but he does not get sucked into hopes and dreams like I do). He and I both "think" it's just the line where the actual line goes. Am I making sense? I think we are seeing the manufactured mark... Not a positive line. The picture I took of it doesn't show what we are seeing. I wish I had inspected the stick before I peed to see if I could see any lines to start. But I had to pee really badly and couldn't wait haha.

Obviously I want this to be positive!!! I am going to wait until at least Friday to try again... ugh that's so far away!!!!!

To get to my question finally: Does anyone know if you can faintly (and I mean so faint that you have to tilt the stick to see it) see any manufactured lines? OR if we see any sort of line does that mean I may be pregnant?!

Thanks, Ladies! Praying for all of you! ❤


I was 'due' for my period yesterday according to Glow and 'due' today according to my usual 26 day cycle. No aunt flow arrival. Peed on a 1st Response Early Result stick tonight and.... 😁😁😁 IMMEDIATELY it showed pregnant!!!!!! ❤😁❤😁😂😂 Instant tears and hugs with my husband. We lost a baby in September so this is our Rainbow baby!! Hoping and praying he/she sticks!!!! 🤞🤞🤞