Losing weight after baby... the other end of the spectrum

Marissa • Mom to Hezekiah 10/23/17 (🌈) & Noah 2/8/20 (🌈) Baby #3 due 3/27/22

Believe me, I’m not bragging or loving this. I am 4’11”, pre-baby weight was 115-118, & worked out regularly so was kinda toned (also had soft spots but who doesn’t- ya know, the type of body you can tell works out but doesn’t say no to pasta lol) my BMI usually hung out around 22-23.

During pregnancy, I only gained about 18lbs, after losing 5 in the first trimester. I was back to prepregnancy weight by the end of week 1 postpartum.

Now though, after breastfeeding for 14+ months, & no longer working out as often, I weigh 102lbs & my BMI is 20.6. I haven’t been this small in over 10 years. I’m still in the healthy range for my height but I feel like I’m skin & bones. I still eat a lot & a lot of nutrient-dense food. I’m still producing a good amount of milk, & otherwise am feeling great. BUT my pre-pregnancy clothes are too big now, my butt I worked on growing religiously for 3 years went away during my pregnancy, & I’m a little stick. Has anyone else experienced this? I’m not finding many people on other forums talking about it, mostly because others wanna jump on & be like “wahhh you’re too skinny POOR YOU” but I feel body image goes both ways.. you can be unhappy anywhere on the spectrum 🤷🏽‍♀️