Pregnant after 4 years

Jaeda • A caring and loving lady whose dream is to have 4 children. I seem to not be able to carry long term. I need help

After almost 4 years of trying, after my SO had gone through Stage 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer, went through chemotherapy sessions, we thought it was slim to nun for us to get pregnant. We truly thought of even adopting because we were not going to stop this from letting us be parents. Luckily, I went to the OBGyn today and I was so shocked when my doctor told me I was pregnant. They took 3 pregnancy tests and all of them came back positive. Took some blood work and I know that It’s going to say I’m pregnant. I am so happy and excited right now!! My husband is so happy to share this moment with me. His 30th birthday was December 31st so he told me this is his birthday gift.

To anyone who struggled like me and are still struggling, stay strong and soon enough you’ll get your wish. Continue to be happy for those who have succeeded until your turn comes around. 😘😘good luck!!