Please help!!!!!!!

okay so my boyfriend randomly said he wanted a break and just doesn’t know if he can be in a relationship. This is really out of character for him so I’m pretty shaken up. His grandpa just died and he’s been struggling with it a lot so idk if he’s just taking it out on me. I asked him if he still wants to be with me he said yes and he wants to work on it (things have been really good between us so I’m confused) he said though that fights from the past still have bothered him and hurt him. I use to be pretty insecure but we’ve grown closer and I’ve gotten better from. I’ve taken full responsibility and asked him if I could just keep showing how good things can be. He said he’s worried he doesn’t love me the way I deserve and that he doesn’t know if a relationship is right for him. But when he said we’re going on a break he said we can still talk all the time and hang out and have sex and stuff so I’m confused on what’s really changed? I kinda feel like he’s stressed out about the meaning of a relationship and how important it is that he wants to go slower idk. Any advice? We’re best friends and have been together for a year. We’re both 18 btw.