Anybody else wanting babe to come early?

Amy • Mom to 4 beautiful girls. 3/3/10, 4/27/14, 4/8/17, 3/7/19.

This is my 4th baby and I’m normally super good with letting my babies cook as long as they want to. (First was induced at 38+3 due to preeclampsia, second came on her own at 40+1 and my third came at 41+2). This is my last baby and I thought I would be enjoying the pregnancy so much more than I am because it’s my last, but I’m just drained mentally, physically and emotionally. ☹️ like come 37 weeks so second week of February roughly I’m ready for her to babies are all relatively small though so I think that’s why they choose to stay in. (First was 6.4, Second was 5.9, and third was 7.5) I don’t want her to come early if there will be health issues I just want her to be here and be done being pregnant. 😩