Regular contractions disappeared after 9 hours


I went to bed at 9 PM yesterday and started having regular contractions every 10-15 minutes mainly in my lower back. After a few hours of bad "menstrual cramps" it got more intense and I had contractions every 5-10 minutes until 5:30 AM. Shower, TENS and breathing techniques were enough for the whole night but it was so intense (and felt mainly in my back unlike my early contractions and painful BH) that I was sure I'm gonna go to the hospital before dawn.

Then I fell asleep at 6 AM for two hours and booom - no contractions at all. Now it's 9 AM and I'm having minor contractions again but I don't wanna get my hopes up. 😅 I'm 40+6 weeks now and I feel like last night was just a big joke, this kiddo sure doesn't make it easy for me!

Anyone been through the same annoying phase of contractions getting regular and painful, but then just disappearing?