Omg! Freaking out. Baby slept 5 1/2 hours and didn’t nurse

Ok so not a FTM so i don’t know why this bothers me so much. My baby is 4 weeks old tomorrow - one month Sunday.

Exclusively breastfed.

She is a great sleeper at night. Tonight she was cluster feeding from 5-8 - i am talking on talking every half hour- super fussy. Then she finally went down for what would of been a three hours sleep at 7:40. My plan was to wake her at 10:30 and do a dream feed then let her sleep as long as she wants - which I usually do. Problem is she slept until 1:15 am and i slept through my alarm.

She seems fine and has plenty of pee pee and poopy diapers. She nursed 10 times yesterday. Do you think her sugar levels are okay? Why do we have to nurse every 3 hours during the daytime hours?