I know I shouldn’t be snooping

But I found messages from some other woman... and we are expecting in March... wtf am I supposed to do now?

Update: we talked. He compared him talking to two other females about our relationship to me talking to my family about our relationship... I told him I’m done. I’m not going to sit here and be told me talking to my family about issue is the same as him talking to some bitch he used to chat with before me.

Further update: he’s now attempting to blame me for him talking to other people. Saying my attitude drove him to someone else. Says he’s been thinking about leaving but wanted to stay until she was born to see if I would change. Still over. Still not taking his shit. Now just sad and fed up with excuses. I didn’t cause him to talk to some other bitch. He ruined the trust I had in him. I don’t talk to other men like this and he would leave me in an instant if I did. So he’s now sleeping on the couch and refusing to leave cause his name is on the lease. That’s fine. Have fun sleeping on the couch then ✌🏻 my bed is not open to men who lie to me and blame me for talking to someone else like he’s leaving me