Random But Funny


So basically I just thought this was funny so I posted it.So a long time ago back when I was in yr 8 this girl in my class had a cough and it was really bad like every 10 seconds she kept on coughing and we were doing a test so it was really annoying,and then our teacher who was our tutor was like”Right who started this?”then the girl who had a cough said she got it from this person and so on like about 4 people later and we soon figured out who got it it was a boy,then our teacher like”Do you have any idea how you got it?” He’s like”Yeah,so basically on the weekend I was going Legoland and I was checking the weather and it was REALLY sunny so I wore shorts and a top but little did I know i checked the weather forecast for Brazil”we all burst out laughing and then the boy who started the cough said”then I got soaking wet and i got a cough!!!!

This had been going on for daaaaays!!

People in my class was dyyyyying

Luckily I didn’t get it but I had to sit next People and I’m like......

When I was doing the test and all I could hear coughing my mood was....