I dont know whats wrong with me


I’m a little bit self concern. So I have always been the typer of person that loves to work and be active and doing stuff. Before I got pregnant I used to go to work full time + extra time, also go to school full time as well; Take care of my house and my husband. Then I got pregnant I was lucky to have a full 4 months paid by my work and also I had some vacation left and things like that so everything add up to almost 6 months out of work. Moving forward my daughter is now 9 months and my sister takes care of my daughter i even think she does a better job then me of taking care of my daughter . Anyways, i switch jobs now im in a company that I will say I feel comfortable and I like it I guess(I’ve only been there for 2 months), but I never seen to be ready to go to work mentally and physically I mean. I DONT FREAKY WANT TO GO TO WORK ANYMORE. I dont feel motivated; I feel like I want to stay home taking care of my daughter and my house, cook and my husband. Donde take me wrong is not like i dont like my freedom and my independency, but I just dont feel good going to work. I’m still young im only 26 yrs old but WTH. Working was never an issue for me I have been working nonstop since I was 16 yrs old and like I say I love working but I just dont feel like doing it right now. I feel like for the first time in my life I want a break (work wise) my husband does make a decent income and way more than me but with mine together put us in a way better position (you know Money is always necessary) but idk. Have you ladies experienced this before?!