Breastfeeding and daycare


This is my daughters first week at daycare so of course I'm having a tough time. She is only breastfed but we did a few trial days of bottles for the time I would be gone at work, 10 hours,so we could get an idea of how much she would need me to send with her. She usually needed 10-12 oz total, was fed 3 or 4 oz every 3 hours or so.

Being at daycare she is getting 4 oz every 2 hours so about 20 oz a day. I thought this was way too much but the teacher is telling me shes always hungry and her needs will go up as she gets older . I understand my girl is in a new place and eating probably helps to calm her but I'm just wondering if anyone else's baby eats double at daycare? I definitely dont pump enough for how much she is eating but I'd like to keep her with only breastmilk if possible... any advice?