Best gift ever 💕

Kayla • ❤️Adalynns Mommy Dec 2018 ❤️ USMC Wife 🇱🇷

Very late writing my birth story but for anyone who is interested... Sunday 12/23 1:30am I started having mild contractions roughly 10-12 min. Apart. Then around 3pm they got stronger told my husband we had to go get checked so we go to the hospital I was only 4cm and posterior 80% effaced. They sent us home the contractions we're stronger within 2 hours I was misserable of course and couldn't even walk up my stairs anymore by 8:30pm I told my husband we had to go back so we did I was still the same but obviously alot more uncomfortable and in tears they wanted to send me home but I asked to walk first so we went and walked the hospital my husband pushing a wheelchair behind me since it was so hard to walk without doubling over in pain. For the ladies wondering how will I know when it's real contractions trust me this was my first baby and let me just say you will know when it's the real thing without a doubt. So as my husband is walking with me and I'm puking everywhere (poor him) 30 minutes later I decided to go back up at this point it's 10:30ish maybe 11pm. Needless to say they recheck me still no progress she says and they are gonna send me home....well they give me pain meds to hold me over for the night as we're downstairs waiting for the prescription to be filled my husband goes and gets the car, I get the meds, he wheels me out to the front to get in the car (I literally cannot walk hardley at this point so I'm in the wheelchair) I stand to get in the car and I feel like my leggings are soaking wet thinking my water had broke I felt down there....nope just ALOT of bleeding so what do I do I sit back down in the wheelchair told my husband we were going back up leave the car where it is. So we do the nurse checks me and says I'm 6cm and fully effaced and no longer posterior and she says they are admitting me. Mind you from the time they just said they were gonna send me home with pain meds and me about to get in the car and ended up coming back upstairs to L&D was all over maybe a 10 min time span if that. So my first thought when she said they were admitting me was "yea and y'all were wanting to send me home with pain meds 10 minutes ago". 🤦

Anyway, we get admitted and In our own room roughly 1:30am 12/24 they take their time getting my Iv started here it is 3:30am finally getting the epidural. They tell me to get some sleep so hubs and I both doze off for about two hours (thank God for epidural I wouldn't have made it through without it) but 6:30am ish I'm awake nurses come running in trying to get me on hands and knees (mind you I have no control over my lower half so the nurses are literally having to move everything waist down and hold me up. Baby's heart rate had dropped (this happened twice during labor) scared the crap out my husband as he was still sleeping and he was awaken by a bunch of nurses running in trying to get me flipped over on hands and knees and an oxygen mask on me. (Really freaked him out) then they explained to him my blood pressure got low and that's when the baby's heart rate went down. Fast forward to 11am still no baby, epidural working great, they came in and broke my water since I had been at 9cm since 7am, finally 12pm it was time to push! And our baby girl Adalynn Mae was born safe and healthy as can be weighing 7lbs 4oz and 19.5 inches long at 12:31pm on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> the best gift her father and I could have ever asked for. ❤️🎀