

I want advice from someone who is wise and experienced.

I understand men and women think very differently. My husband and i have a great life, and a good marriage. I am not bashing him, or talking down on him or anything. Ilove him so much. He is a great man, a great father, a great husband. Hes a hard worker and takes very good care of me and the children. We've been married 2 years and have been together for many. Since weve been married and living together, there has been a problem with our communication when one of us is upset, which is usually me because im emotional more so. I am far from perfect, but I just feel like if we don't fix this communication issue, our marriage will have a lot of problems. So for example, if im upset about something, and my husband asks me whats wrong, and I say for example "my feelings are hurt because you did x,y,and z" hell tell me "well that's wrong because you made that up in your own head" so i then feel as if my feelings are invalidated, and we go in circles arguing and not solving anything. No one wants to feel as if every single time they express themselves, they are told they are wrong. I feel whats the point in expressing my feelings, if theyre always dismissed and invalidated, and have expressed to him multiple times that i feel that my feelings are always invalidated, which his response was "that's not true, you just feel that way" ( which again, is telling me what im feeling is untrue) instead of hearing me out, he tells me in just being dramatic or "causing an issue". Ive taken many many different approaches, for him to understand and communicate, and i always end up with the same result. I cant just not express myself because thats unhealty too, and i tried that. He was upset I didnt want to tell him what was wrong.🙄 And im not just being a whiney naggy wife, sometimes im legitamitely, upset, which I have the right to be. If im having some sort of negative feeling, there's a reason for it, which may or may not be a big deal or make sense to him, but I should atleast be able to tell him! He doesnt have to agree with my feelings, or understand them, just acknowledge that I'm feeling sad, or upset, or dismissed, or whatever it may be. And hear me out! Shut up for 5 minutes, and f*%!ing listen to me! I had realized before that maybe my approach, or my tone, or something was causing him to respond this way, so I've been trying my hardest to work on my part. He doesnt think he has a problem with hearing me out, he says he doesnt invalidate my feelings, and its basically my fault we have communication issues. im just going on and probably making no sense. Im just venting and very upset and after our little heated argument tonight, im actually VERY concerned with not being able to communicate with him. I want to know from you, what I can do, as a wife, and a woman, for this to get better. I know marriage takes hard work, and time, and patience. And I want us to be able to grow so that we can just talk, and communicate, and solve things, better then we do, so that we BOTH get what we want, and both feel heard, and happy.