I feel so fucking fat 😫


This isn’t a cry for attention or me trying to get compliments, this is me asking for advice to better my self confidence. I’m 5’7 and 150 and I feel so fat 🙄 I’m 16 and not (nor have I ever) been happy with my body. Since I was a little girl my dad always made sly comments about my weight and so have people at my school in the past. Every time I eat something whether it be a salad or a cupcake, I have this urge to shove my finger down my throat. Now I’m not bulimic. Though I get the urge I don’t actually do it, but the urge is still there. I’m just miserable with my body image as a whole 😞 idk what to do. I work out and everything but no matter what I’m never confident in my body. I really need help y’all...