HPV - Genital Warts

So my boyfriend and I have been together for a little while and are in a serious relationship. About two months he noticed a wart show up on his genitals and that one turned into a few more. He told me about it and after some research we concluded it was HPV, but it shouldn’t be the high risk type since it was displaying itself in warts.

We have both done so much online research on this and we know that sometimes symptoms take a while to show up, and also that we will never really know who had it first, but that doesn’t matter to either of us. Nevertheless, his ex cheated on him, and I have suspicions that my ex was cheating as well so that kind of helps explain that. 🤦🏼‍♀️ After he told me, I checked my vagina and didn’t have any physical symptoms. However, about a month ago, I noticed I had two very small hard bumps near the opening of my vagina so I concluded that I also had HPV, which I figured would be the case. I have a doctors appointment in February and while it’s more like an annual I will mention this to them then to see what can be done.

I say all of this to ask you all if anyone has ever been in a similar situation as me and can provide any advice or make me feel better about all this? I know that HPV is super common and it shouldn’t be the high risk type which is good, but I guess I just feel embarrassed because I have always been so careful to prevent something like this happening. I’m just worried too because I hope there are not more warts further up in my cervix because I know this can cause future problems. So does anyone have any type of encouragement?😬