Would you be mad?

I have a neighbor who I try to reach out to because she’s on disability and I know she struggles with depression. Usually when she invites me somewhere with her, I agree to go to be nice and because I know she doesn’t get out often.

On NYE, she texts me and asks if I wanted to go to the store with her to pick up a few things and I agree. It’s not until we’re driving to the store that she has a terrible coughing fit and mentions, “Oh, yeah, I’ve been sick.”

The moment she started coughing I wanted to get myself OUT of that car. I’m 30 weeks and have somehow managed not to get any sort of sickness this pregnancy even working with children.

Now, two days later I can feel my throat swelling and I have a terrible headache. I can’t help but blame it on this neighbor! Why would you invite a very pregnant person to do something with you if you’re unwell. Just, why? Would you be mad?

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