So confused please help :(


Me and my partner of 6 years and father to my 4 year old daughter split up 11 months ago. I chose to split with him due to the fact after years of him cheating on me, getting his ex pregnant, sleeping with my ex “best friend” and driving me to the point that I thought I would be better off dead. For the first few months I was fine, well not fine but managing, then I started becoming more and more depressed and regretting the decision I had made. The last year and a half of our relationship wasn’t bad it just wasn’t good either, the positive side was he hadn’t cheated for a year and a half.

He chased me for months and months and I pushed him away again and again and I don’t even know why. Then on December 5th we slept together, the next day he told me he was seeing another girl and he didn’t want me. This girl is 20 years old, I’m 33 years old and he is 31 years old. She has a newborn baby (approx about 3 months old).

He has been seeing this girl as far as I know for 3-4 weeks but has already introduced this girl to my 4 year old daughter. More upsettingly that my daughter has said she has two mums. I have since said to him after finding out he has told my daughter to lie because I would get angry with her if she told me the truth about seeing this girl, that he needs to wait until it’s less confusing for my daughter and less painful for me too before introducing her into my daughters life. He has plenty of time to see this girl when he hasn’t got my daughter but is still refusing to stick to my wishes.

Last night it got that bad that I had to call the police because he said he was taking my daughter to his new girlfriends house and she was staying there the night, in a house she doesn’t know, where I don’t know where it is and with a girl that he had cheated on just a few weeks ago with me. The police officers did agree with my reasons for wanting to keep my daughter away at this time and eventually I agreed to let him go for the night with her but at his home not at this girls house. But I’m now in a dilemma, I don’t want this girl around my daughter at the moment, it’s too soon in a relationship to be introducing my daughter to some girl that he most likely won’t stay with because he’s already been unfaithful, it’s confusing my daughter to the point she thinks she has two mums, and upsetting me to the point where I have got really bad depression again.

Do I tell him he’s not seeing his daughter unless it’s at my house, do I let him take her there regardless of how I feel it’s affecting my daughter or do I stop contact altogether until he’s willing to agree to keep her away from the girl until a more suitable time?

I don’t know what to do but my heart breaks every time my daughter calls her mum 😭🥺