Relationship problems

I feel like my husband and I are always fighting we have been together for 3 years and it didnt start happening until about 5 months ago. I feel like he is more irritable and rude, he used to try and Express how much he loved me and how beautiful I am now he doesnt do that as much. He says that he loves me but I dont know if he really does, I'm struggling so much with this. I feel so depressed and ugly, he likes to joke a lot and call me a slut, bitch, whore ETC. I recent let him now that's not okay and it hurts me, but this morning I woke him up for work and he said I was a fucking bitch, then just walk off mad. I dont know what to do he is very passive aggressive or just rude, I'm a very expressive and direct person. I love him but I want to be happy. Any words of advice?