Im guna raise this baby alone to ((long post but i need help))

So my partner and i planned to have this baby i think i got all swept up in the baby fever we never had any big problems normal arguments that couples have.. i have two other children from a previous relationship an abusive relationship so i left i deserved to be treated with some respect and for my daughter to grow up knowing she should be treated like a woman and my son to know how to treat a lady so i left... anyway back track 6 months ago i fell pregnant with my now partner things was good not excellent but we were happy then i came to realise how selfish he was any time i was in pain i got ive been at work all day im worse.. i had to give up work due to bed rest.. anyyywayy these past two weeks i thought im not guna hug him kiss him ask how his day was just to see if he notices and comes to me gives me some affection for a change he didnt even notice christmas came and went new years <a href="">eve</a> i didnt get a kiss he went to bed at half 11 didnt say one word i brought up to him today that we are more like room mates than partners that has sex occasionally when he feels like it when i get dressed up he doesn't even bat an eyelid im sick of it i told him today that we could be friends if thats how he wanted we wouldht be partners any more he reacted with well you cant change a person so if thats what you want .... my question to yous is am i veing petty and should i just ignore it and let us go on this way or.... 😭😭😭😭😭 i thought things was diffrent this time