Alcoholic husband.

Basically for nearly the entirety of our relationship my husband has been a heavy drinker which then turned into drinking to excess everyday. (He was sober when we first got together as he was previously an alcoholic) he has never been physically violent but had a nasty tongue and often says things that have been very hurtful.

We have a 2 year old son who is now aware of all the things being said and the change on his dads behaviour.

My husband decided that New Year’s <a href="">Eve</a> was the last day he would drink so had gone cold turkey. While this is a good thing I’m really struggling with the mood swings and bad temper that has come with his withdrawal. The use of alcohol as a weapon “I’ll just go and get beers if your going to be like that”

Our love life has suffered and we haven’t been intimate for a few weeks and now he feels like we should do it everyday as he’s now ‘sober’ but for me the relationship needs to be rebuilt before I’m ready to do it whenever he wants.

I’m just not sure whats the best way to cope with the symptoms of withdrawal and how to manage and not make them worse? Any body have any experience I would be grateful!