What are your rules for people being around your baby?


Yesterday I got the TDap and my doctor said anyone who would be in frequent contact with the baby should really have the vaccine. I’ve also read horror stories about RSV and HS1 being spread to babies.

What will be your rules in the hospital and afterwards for people coming into contact with your baby?

I think I’m planning on not letting anyone sick around and making sure hands are washed before holding. I’m struggling with whether to tell our parents that the doctor suggested they get the TDap if they haven’t had it in 10 years.

I definitely don’t want anyone kissing my baby for a while. Maybe I’m being crazy over protective but it took us a while to get pregnant and we weren’t even sure it would be possible. The last thing I want is for our little one to get sick because other people aren’t taking basic precautions.

Edit to add: I’m thinking after our family and closest friends at the hospital, we may opt not to have visitors for the first couple of weeks unless it’s people we’ve prearranged to help us during some of our first sleepless nights as parents.