Ex confession- Being option #2

Story time !! I’m not proud but hey I left him in 2018 🤣 to begin, My ex and I broke up in 2014. To summarize everything, he had a baby on me. Fast forward to end of 2016 early 2017, I believe? He hits me up on a social media platform and things stir up from there. He expresses how he misses me, how he was wrong but also he felt he did what was best for everyone in the situation. From there we just talked casually everyday. Tbh I don’t even remember how we started hooking up but one thing for sure.... low key sex is the best sex 🤪 I honestly didn’t feel bad. I was single and not involved with anyone. He made it seem it was an arrangement with his baby momma and he just didn’t want the baggage if they weren’t together, yea ok 🙄. I honestly was just there for the sex. It was familiar and not new. It got to a point where I felt like I was becoming her and settling with the situation. Of course, I started asking questions like what are we getting out of this and why he remains with her. Basically he was telling me he had no choice and I can do what I want but even if I have a bf he doesn’t want this to end, controlling much ? Yup. Well that’s when I decided maybe this isn’t the best thing and it’s about what I want NOT him. I started making excuses and pretty much securing my goods. It was just toxic for the both of us. 1) it’s messy 2) not trying to be his second baby momma- I knew it was a trap when he said “why did you have to make the dumb rule of us using rubber” 🤦🏻‍♀️ and 3) we both have to let go and he needs to deal with the consequences of his actions. Him having me made it ok for him. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. Fast forward to now, they’re expecting their 2nd and right after I ended things he went to his gender reveal. I can care less if he’s upset about my decision. Clearly his actions have spoken and I’m not going to settle as the side chick. Moral of my story is to not settle and that it’s ok to get your heart broken. You’ll learn to love yourself during the process. We have so much more to offer than sex. Don’t think having a baby will make a guy stay or love you. It all starts with respecting ourselves and knowing what we’d want not just for ourselves but for other people and our children 🌻