Gender surprise


I’m going to start this off by saying

I love my babies and always will regardless of their gender.

Also, gender disappointment is a common and normal thing and the first step to getting past it is to actually admit the disappointment to move past it.

That being said...

I have 2 daughters and I am pregnant with our last baby. I desperately want a boy. Why? Because my husband is the most amazing person I’ve ever met and would love a mini him. However I know it’s not my choice.

So I’m having a hard time deciding if I want to find out the gender and surprise our family, or have my sister know the gender and my husband and I be surprised along with the rest of our family.

Both pregnancies I have known and surprised family so it’s a new concept.

I’m just a little nervous that my “disappointment” would show as my knee jerk reaction when those colors fly if they were pink. so I’m a little tempted to know so I can get over myself and then surprise family.

So I’m looking for your opinions? Of what you would do? Be surprised or do the surprising?

Not opinions about how I’m ridiculous for possibly being disappointed in the babies gender or negative/judge mental Inputs.

I have a healthy psychological understanding of this and know that as soon as I see that baby any ideas of my preference will be stupid ideas in the past.

Happy Thursday!