Why am I getting these 🙄

I know the best way to find out why and what would be by going to a doctor/dermatologist but I’m a broke ass 22 y/o with no insurance/money.

But recently I’ve been getting spots that start out Looking like a mosquito bite, and I scratch then it turns into a bump/scar and doesn’t go away.

I’ve been getting these on my legs mainly but now on my arms more recently.

It’s embarrassing with all these little marks. Anyone know what it is or why it’s happening?

It’s really weird. I just get an itch, it looks like a mosquito bite and I scratch it a lot and it either scars or remains a bump like a pimple with no head.

Idk wtf to do.

I’m pretty sure it’s not a big bite because it would go away but these are either scaring or staying. Is it possible I may be having an allergic reaction to something??

Thanks in advance.

Btw anything I can apply to help get these to go away or avoid getting more?