Sooo Miserable 🤦🏽‍♀️ mini rant!


33 weeks tomorrow and I’m so over being pregnant! Yeah it’s a blessing blah blah blah this is baby #7 and the roughest pregnancy by far. I’m in constant pain due to pressure on my hips and pelvis..and my poor back! 😩 For about two weeks now I’ve been so nauseous haven’t vomited the entire pregnancy but oh this 3rd trimester has done me dirty! I can’t even stand water right now. It comes back up! Though I continue to drink to stay hydrated of course. I keep getting dizzy and having migraines from hell and my hands and feet swell up like the clumps!

Went to my routine 2week appointment and got checked and I am dilated 1cm and was told the baby was really low and she was actually playing with her hair smh! Was told to take it easy because usually I don’t dilate until about 36-37weeks on my own. So ugh!!!!