Advice on a situation


So I have no one to talk to about a situation that happened on New Year's <a href="">Eve</a> and hoping someone here can help me think it through or tell me if I am just overreacting.

While at a friend's place for New Year's he brought over the new girl he is seeing. Later in the evening they wanted to play a game where you ask a question and then everyone points to who they think best fits what was asked.

This question comes up: "who would be the first person picked for a threesome" and of course all the guys in the room point to this new girl (her and myself were the only girls there). But what really bothers me is my boyfriend pointed to her without hesitation.

I have been going through some personal things lately with panic attacks and have had very low self-esteem the last few years. This was a huge hit to my self-esteem and self confidence. And I have been feeling very low about myself ever since that night, lower than I have ever felt. And it is affecting our relationship.

What can I do to move past this?